Even Shakespeare Got Behind In His Taxes

If you’re behind in your taxes you have something in common with Shakespeare.

In the King’s Remembrancer Subsidy Roll in 1597, Shakespeare was listed as a defaulter in the Bishopgate ward – he failed to pay 5s. He was again listed as a defaulter in 1598 for failing to pay 13s.4d. Later that year he moved out of the district!

Getting behind in your tax is an awful feeling. Many of our new clients are behind in their tax and fearful about what that might mean.

Getting this all sorted out is usually an enormous relief. It’s very rarely as bad as people think it’s going to be. I think the worst part is that people feel really bad that they’ve let it happen.

I tell them they are in good company and, like Shakespeare, they probably had other important things to attend to.

Image by courtesy Flickr Creative Commons by: tonynetone